Saturday, May 31, 2008

In my English composition class

In my English composition class, my teacher told me common mistakes which native English speakers make.

[wrong expression ->correction]

Drive safe. -> Drive safely.
you did good. -> You did well.
It is me->It is I.
littler-> less

She also told us the expression you'd better not use because it is kind of 'redundant' or conveying no additional meanings.

In terms of..
in order to

Are these redundant and just a tool making your paper longer??
But, it feels different when you say something is cool from when something is totally cool, doesn't it? haha

My English teacher called some of these rules what 'dead white guys' made.
When you array A & B & C, you should write A, B, and C.
Dogs, Cats and Pigs <- wrong
Dogs, Cats, and Pigs <-right
But, she said, a few years ago, those dead white guys said the first way of writing is correct, not the second do they change it so often, it just makes people confusing.

And things for me to remember

1)plural for deer is deer, deers.
2) plural for stuff is stuff, not stuffs.
3) . or , comes before "
4) When paraphrasing, you have to change words which the author uses to different words which means exactly same. Be careful, Asian students.
 5) minor plagiarism : handing in same paper to more than one classes

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