Saturday, May 31, 2008

Too many syllables!!

Mr. Sgoi said, there's only one word which Koreans say with less syllables than American.
To-ky-o, because we say 'to-kyo'. 'yo' is one syllable in Korean.

When I ordered a burrito at Panchero's, the working guy asked me " black or pinto?"
I said 'black' beans please. But, he asked me back, you said pinto?
I had no idea how he misunderstood me between these two words, but Mr. Sgoi said, I said too much syllable. Black has one syllable, while pinto has two.
Obviously, I must have said 'bool-ack'.

One of my friend who used to live in US for long time. There was gift shop called 'art box'. I and many others call it 'ar-tu-boc-su'. 
When I said it once, my friend shouted at me, "no. no. ar(t)-boc(s)"
I remember her 'r' sound was way 'cheesier' than mine.

At that time, even now, anybody who pronounces r as r is considered bragging. Somehow you are an obnoxious person if you pronounce it correctly. I still have some a little reluctant feeling whenever I have to pronounce r. But, I'm trying. It's time for me to do it to break that habit.

People say you can't sound like a native speaker but only can be fluent. But I don't want to believe it, and I'll keep trying. But, in my second thought, having accent is cool and attractive, if it is easily understandable like native speakers' English. Additionally, it always gives me a funny story to tell others, about my misunderstanding or being misunderstood.
These are words I often make mistakes.

Blue as bool-loo
Bridge  as boo-reed-gee
Christmas as k-ri-su-mah-su

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