Sunday, June 8, 2008

[Recipe] Healthy mayonnaise Substitute

Since most mayonnaise is made of egg yolk, many people worry when they eat it.

Here's a recipe of healthy mayonnaise using soy milk and olive oil.

Soy milk has less calories and less fat. It contains soy protein, more omega-3, no cholesterol.
25mg of soy protein a day with low fat and cholesterol diet is suggested to reduce the risk of heart disease.
As many people know, olive oil is good source of monounsaturated fatty acids.

Healthy mayonnaise

1/2 cup Soy milk, ( I used plain organic Silk.)
1 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 Tbsp honey
1/2 Tbsp vinegar
1/2 Tbsp pure lemon juice
1 pinch of salt

1. Mix 1/2 cup of soy milk and 1/2 Tbsp of honey and a pinch of salt well using a mixer.
     It should mix thoroughly to make soft emulsion.
2. Add 1 cup of olive oil by adding 1/5 cup at a time and mixing alternately.
    Paste should be thicker.
3. Add 1/2 Tbsp of vinegar and mix well again.
4. When the paste become thick like mayonnaise, add 1/2 Tbsp of pure lemon juice and mix thoroughly again.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Omija, Five-taste-berries

Omija is a type of berry grown up in East Asia, such as Korea.

Omija is called adaptogen in Oriental medicine, and believed to be resistant to stress, fatigue, anxiety, and trauma, so called 'increasing stamina'.

Omija has been clinically proven that it protects liver and modulates immune reaction.
Here is 'wiki' page for Omija.

You can buy it at Korean markets. Boil it for a long time to make a tea, and add some honey in it.
Or make omija-fruit-punch during Summer.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Salmon, flax seeds, and walnuts are good sources for omega-3, which is unsaturated fatty acid.

Omega-3 is believed to lower the risk of coronary heart diseases by helping blood circulation(lowering blood pressure, decreasing the level of triglyceride in blood).

α-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are three kinds of omega-3. ALA is the essential nutrient, which means we have to intake it from outer source since our body cannot produce it.EPA and DHA are said to be important for brain function and structure.

Remember that too much of something is never good!Too much supplement of omega-3 can increase the risk of bleeding, especially for those who take aspirin or warfarin.

For more information : wikipedia
for omega-3 may contain unproven information.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Magic Fountain in Barcelona, Spain

I visisted Magic Fountain in Barcelona, Spain. It is amazing that the fountain is so pretty that many people come to see it from all over the world.

I tried to make it similar to the real fountain show.!

Baccalaureate origin of US doctorate recipients

[click and check page 78 and 79]Baccalaureate origin of US doctorate recipients 1999-2003.

Seoul National University  is at 2nd place including foreign and  American schools.

On average, 330 students, which is a little less than 10% of  annual Seoul National University graduate, per a year got ph.D degrees in US.

Korean (SNU)students love to study in the US, I guess. There are about fifteen people who graduated my high school in Ann Arbor, so it's not hard to believe it!


I went to Chicago in 2007 summer.
I like cities, since I've grown up a big metropolitan city, Seoul, in Korea.
As they say that it is the USA's thrid city, it was a nice big city with high skylines.

some stat comparison between seoul and chicago
area of Chicago : 237 sq mi
area of Seoul not including metropolitan area: 234 sq mi
population of chicago : 2.8 million (metropolitan area 9.8 million)
population of Seoul : 10 million  (Metropolitan area 23 million)

Skyscrapers in Chicago

Night view from  John Hancock Tower. You can see the tall sears Tower, which was the tallest building in the US in late 20th century.

Trains connect within the city giving a characteristic cityview. In the downtown, the distance between stations is really short, like it will take only a couple of minute by walk.

Attractions in Chicago

Art Institution of Chicago

Emergence of a lion in a city!

Millenium Park

Lake Michigan

Even though I've lived in Michigan for one and a half years, I saw Lake Michigan only from the Chicago side

Wicker Park area ( I don't remember the name.  Mr. Sgoi did.)

This place has nice little shops.

Chinatown in Chicago. Mr.Sgoi had yum duck dish.

this train station stunk!

Nice colored fountain show with music

It was so cold at that night, and couldn't see it for a long time.

At Seoul Art Center in seoul, there is a nice fountain which has a couple of shows at night with playing classic music and shining pretty colors on it.

In Barcelona,Spain, a fountain called, magic fountain is tremendous. In evening, there are millions people, residents and tourists, coming to see the fountain show.

To see my post on the Barcelona Magic Fountains, click here.

Hockey Night~!!!

Tonight is the big night. The Red Wings' LAST game for the Stanley cup,hopefully if they win, which they will!!

When I first came to the US, I didn't know anything of hockey. If anybody asked me whether I liked hockey or not, I asked them back, "do you mean field hockey or ice hockey?"

But, I went to several MSU hockey games, and they were exciting. It is like fast, high-score soccer game on the ice.
Additionally, they won the NCAA and became a champion last year. Their goalie, Lerg,and wise,wise curled-hair player, Kennedy were stunning.

MSU hockey game at the Munn Arena

MSU marching band

MSU's mascot, Sparty

MSU national champion pin :)

I'm starting to go to University of Minnesota from this Fall. Another team to cheer for its hockey game!!I heard they even have cheerleaders for hockey..cheerleaders on ice...That's something I should see sometime. However, it's not so hard to decide which team I should cheer for if there's a game between MSU and UMN.. Of course ...
MSU.. Go State, Go Green, and Go White!
poo-ha-ha ^_^

I like gentle and skillful hockey, not violent ones...They give me too much tension...Mr. Sgoi said, I should watch Euro Hockey or Olympic hockey because they are smoother.

I hope Redwings win easily tonight!
"fighting!!" <-This is typical konglish when they mean "Go!! Red wings".

Holly and Snow

Holly wants to go outside playing on snow...

She is walking jollily.

This picture looks like a postcard!

What a face~~

Sun Pup

She loves to sit on the sunny spots.

Natural light makes her look even prettier!

Do not use antibiotics for flu, cold, sore throat, and runny nose .

  When we have runny nose or sore throat, we go to see doctors. We ask doctors to prescribe antibiotics, and then they may reluctantly prescribe antibiotics for you. 

   Antibiotics are drugs which can kill bacteria usually by making them not be able to produce bacterial essential proteins or  popping up open their cell walls. However, these work only to bacteria, not virus or fungi.

Usually, when we have cold, flu, short-term sinus infection, bronchitis, or runny nose, it is virus which makes you ill. So, it is no good to use antibiotics for them.

But, tens of millions of antibiotics are prescribed in a year for virus. Doctors say that the reason they write unnecessary prescriptions are mainly because of patients' demand, according to Centers for Disease control and Prevention

If your doctor says that you or your kids will be better soon without medication, you can just follow his professional ideas, not feeling like you wasted time and money for nothing. In fact, it's better for you and our community.

You probably have heard of 'antibiotics resistance'. Unnecessary uses of antibiotics increase it significantly.

To bacteria, antibiotics are harmful agents. Just like all the creatures on the Earth, they evolve and try to survive in the environment with antibiotics, so bacteria gain the ability to resist to the antibiotics. It is even easier for bacteria because they divide into two every few hours and many mutations occur meanwhile. It is way faster than the rate human develops new stronger antibiotics.

If we use antibiotics too often, it will accelerate bacteria to get resistant to antibiotics. Already, there are some bacteria which are not treatable with any antibiotics existing.


Holly likes to be relaxed with hanging her paws..

Timid Holly

Holly is hiding under chairs or beds
when there is another dog or when she hears thunder.
Or any time she feels like doing it....

Where is Holly in this picture?


Holly is always tired...Here are some pictures of Holly.

coming closer to her

she noticed me.

"What are you?"

On the back of the sofa...why not?

near human...

or anywhere...:)


Holly always lifts her head up, when she barks.

1st step :a little growl~

2nd step : big growl~

3rd step : head up howling~~~~

another howling


Holly, the prettiest

I used to love big dogs. But, Holly made me change my mind.
She is the cutest dog I've ever seen.
She is a 5-year-old shih zhu.

Mom gives her treat ball almost every time she leaves home.
It keeps her busy, so she supposedly doesn't feel lonely.
Many times, there is small piece of treat stuck in the ball, which she couldn't get by the time somebody gets home.
She doesn't move a step till somebody comes up to her and gets it for her.
Look at her imploring look!

Holly and her blanket
If you make her blanket into a ball and throw it, she will chase it wildly.

Looking out of the window
Thinking of something, like the sculpture of Rodin


The way she sits
She puts her hid leg between her forelegs.


She likes to sit outside.
She looks like swiming in the grass in this picture.


Thinking Holly, again!

Sniff, sniff...


Like a movie poster....


Panting after 10 min walk! 

A dog with GPA 4.0