Monday, June 2, 2008

Copper Harbor & ...

Grandma has a summer house in Copper Harbor, UP(upper peninsula) Michigan. I, Mr.Sgoi, Mr. J, and Beetle went to visit her during summer 2007. It took 9 hours to drive up there from Lansing. Thank you for having us, Grandma!

Rocks you can extract copper from.. 

Beautiful sunset from Grandma's living room

Houghton, where Michigan Tech is..such a lovely town
We had to come here to get groceries, and it took 40 minutes by driving.

Lake Superior...huge! and cold!

Newberry, remnants of forest fire.....
gives a pretty color combination, though.


Grandma's summer house

Horse shoe harbor
This shoreline quite looks like a horse-shoe...

Lake Superior through the trees
near the lighthouse I believe!

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